Batman/Catwoman: The Wedding Album by Eric S Brown

Batman/Catwoman: The Wedding Album is a sleek, black hardcover. At a retail price of $18 for 130+ it’s fairly priced. The hardcover collects stories leading up to the big event. Including a large amount of artwork from variant covers as a bonus feature, there is no denying that this book is beautifully made with amazing interior art.

What’s not good? The stories. Despite showing moments throughout the decades, showcasing the ups and downs of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle’s relationship, the buildup
to the wedding is trashed by the fact that the wedding never happens. These snapshots
of moments from the past still provide a deep look at the Bat and Cat’s relationship, but that may not be enough for the causal reader. If you’re a person who keeps up with comic news, you already know why the wedding isn’t included in a hardcover entitled The
Wedding Album. This leaves the reader feeling ripped off at best.

If you’re a hardcore Batman or Catwoman fan, this hardcover is still worth having in your collection. The same can be said for those who merely love comic art as the book is full of great quality material in that regard. That said, for anyone seeking a fun story to read that comes to somewhat of a conclusion, this collection is not for you.


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