Author Archives: AR_Editor

The Paranoia Prize by Gregg Norman

When I’m on my highest horse, I say, No, I don’t enter competitions. There are too many others who can use the low prize money more than I can. But secretly I think it might be nice to be able … Continue reading


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Thorns in the Water by Mark Manifesto

“Something’s missing, Adilah,” said Mrs. Tan, looking over the patterned tapestry, eyes hidden behind folds of sun-scorched skin. Adilah already knew. She examined her works around the stall, bright and technical pieces, woven images of picturesque coasts, joyous gatherings around … Continue reading


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Woe by Kevin Kopp

Woe! Woe to the old God! Woe to Him! For He knew not who He was! And He knew not what He did! The ancient, lost tomes speak of him most clearly; His skin, the color of bronze For wasn’t … Continue reading


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The Curse of the Ebon Maw Chapter Twelve by A.S. Raithe

Read Previous Chapters. “Why are we awake again?” Norm grumbled as he staggered down the dock. Echo huffed. “For the hundredth time, we’ve a lead on the Hunger’s source.” He rolled his eyes. “Because I’m so sure a killer plague … Continue reading


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Paperbacks from Hell by Eric S Brown

In 2017 Quirk Books did the world a great service by releasing Grady Hendrix’s Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of 70’s and 80’s Horror Fiction. The book is over two hundred and fifty pages of glorious vintage art and … Continue reading


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Leave a Little Space by Cat Dixon

The little hand on the clock ticks and the big hand mimes the escape into the stars. The pod doors open to ghosts and newts. This artificial light pours in random details—the rest of our lives. We have so little … Continue reading


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At the Planetarium by Cat Dixon

How small we are when compared with the sun, the narrator booms. Earth’s a tiny hole in the magical ceiling. Earth’s a green booger in the corner of God’s eye that he flicks away. He’s lefthanded, lonely, and ridding himself … Continue reading


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Zodiac by Cat Dixon

Others examine the sky’s eternal blue to find answers. The moon’s nefarious schemes to dominate her father’s zone never fail to entertain the psychic lounging on a bean bag, dreaming of cash, clowns, and posh journeys to Mars.   About … Continue reading


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The God in My Dreams by Christian Blair

I have seen the face of God. A round shape of mystical proportions with no eyes and no mouth. It’s a faceless man and woman, a being of two names and many different colors. A being of ungodly power that … Continue reading


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The Sadness by Eric S Brown

If you think you’ve seen everything there is to be seen in the zombie genre of horror, 2021’s The Sadness exists to prove you wrong. Though subtitled and not dubbed, The Sadness is well worth doing a little reading for. … Continue reading


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The Art of Michael Moreth

    About the Artist Michael Moreth is a recovering Chicagoan living in the rural, micropolitan City of Sterling, the Paris of Northwest Illinois USA.


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Paradise by Joan Larkin

I finally seize an opening in my ex’s gloomy monologue on the ruined state of the country. “Suze, I’d better get going.” “Of course.” She grimaces. Polite resignation. What did I expect, coming here? She’s erected a fortress around her … Continue reading


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Crucible of Mars Part 2: Magic School Infiltration by Alexander Schmid

Miss Part 1? Read it here. Grendel walked towards the open gates of Augustus High School for Magical and Mundane.  To infiltrate the school, Grendel had had to change his body in order to not stand out from the rest … Continue reading


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Episode 76: Gretchen: An Impromptu Ally by Jim Davies

Waffles stopped, panting heavily. The wolf was seconds away, now. Eve and I looked at each other in terror and confusion.  Dichall stood on Waffles’s head and addressed the ogre that stood in the snowy street before us. “Would you … Continue reading


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Air Force Sighting by Celine Rose Mariotti

He’s in the Air Force He flies the F-15 at night, when it’s so serene in the nighttime skies UFO’s arrive The Air-Force pilot sees these odd-shaped planes, or spaceships, He sees them on his radar, They have come from … Continue reading


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The Bear on Mars by Celine Rose Mariotti

There’s a Bear on Mars! It was on the Evening News! A Bear on Mars! That means there’s life there? The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter showed us this face of a Bear it’s a hill on Mars with this peculiar shape … Continue reading


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The Alien from Mars by Celine Rose Mariotti

He stuck out like a dinosaur, No, I mean he sure wasn’t no dinosaur, Oh, no, he was a Martian, Yes, that’s what he was, He was green, Yes, indeed, Green face, green body, Yellow eyes, Robotic ears, Robotic hands, … Continue reading


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Nightblood by Eric S Brown

Vintage horror paperbacks have made an astounding resurgence in the last few years. This new popularity was helped by Grady Hendrix’s nonfiction book Paperbacks from Hell and his own effort to keep older horror novels from being forgotten. Because of … Continue reading


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The Day I Met Miss Fortune Pt. 2: In the Care of the Aeaean by Henry Young

Read Part 1 There must be a law decreed by the gods that the longer you wait to do something, the harder it is to start it. My body needed time to recover, sure. But once I had decided to … Continue reading


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Time Lord Thief by Vince Gotera

Time Lord Thief —terza rima haiku sonnets 1. I’ve had an interest in rayguns since I was five, when I saw my first. Father shot a live bird dead, right between the eyes. A needle hole gave the lone hint … Continue reading


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The Curse of the Ebon Maw Chapter Eleven by A. S. Raithe

Mira’s feathers fluffed. Cocking her head at the curious feline, her lips moved wordlessly. Echo knelt next to her, studying the ginger tabby. “Everyone heard that, right?” Healer managed. Both zephyrni nodded. “Oh thank gods,” Norm muttered. “I was worried … Continue reading


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Frost Lily Part 2 by Andrew Johnston

The scroll was crisp and thick within her hand. Flor hadn’t noticed upon approach to receive it, but each scroll possessed several pages. She held it tight, deciding not to peer back to the recruits. They would wait. A wait … Continue reading


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Crucible of Mars Part 1: Godsbane’s Contract by Alexander Schmid

Grendel admired the shining twin Martian moons.  Originally, the moons of Mars – Phobos and Deimos–had been nothing more than asteroids captured out of the nearby asteroid belt, asteroids that had been in orbit around the world of Mars for … Continue reading


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The Day I Met Miss Fortune by Henry Young

When I came to, my muscles seized in pain and my head throbbed. Looking around, I couldn’t see much. The murky darkness made it difficult to see anything, but I could hear the lapping of broken waves against hard rock, … Continue reading


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The Newlyweds by Jeffrey Greene

After driving five hours back from the wedding of Louis Ferran and Anita Estevez in Miami, where I’d ineptly played the role of best man, the fan belt in my twenty-year-old Volkswagen broke in the worst possible place—Devil’s Hammock in … Continue reading


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Someone’s Lucky Day by Julie Brandon

The first thing that Alex saw when she opened her eyes was an older woman looking down at her. She had a concerned look on her face and was pressing a damp cloth against Alex’s forehead. “Oh, good. You’re awake. … Continue reading


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The Curse of the Ebon Maw Chapter Ten by A.S. Raithe

Breakfast was a rushed affair. Neither Mira nor Echo had much appetite after the previous night’s discussion. The knight struggled to eat half her plate, and the duchess barely finished her eggs. Both children were more than happy to send … Continue reading


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Not Byrne’s Best X-Men by Eric S Brown

John Byrne is perhaps one of the best known comic writers at both Marvel and DC. Over the years, he’s created Alpha Flight, changed the X-Men from a being a struggling title to Marvel’s flagship book during the 80’s, revamped … Continue reading


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Also by John C. Mannone

The following pieces have since been removed from Altered Reality Magazine (per our three-year cutoff mentioned in the guidelines). They can still be found with the help of the “Wayback Machine”. They are linked below by request of the author. … Continue reading


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Poet Staggers Cancels Out the Dark by Michael Lee Johnson

There is a poem in my heart a stop-gap love that cancels the chamber beats. I can’t dismiss the cane I walk with or the heavy, pounding heart, missing breath. There are prayers of my past etched in abuse that … Continue reading


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Candle of my Night by Michael Lee Johnson

In the candle of my night I see you blinking your eyes, pink with a magnanimous a vocabulary of mythology, a Nordic star, shy, shining in blondness, resorting, shuffling back and forth like a loaded deck of cards, lead-weighted- your … Continue reading


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Chicago by Michael Lee Johnson

I walk in a pillow of cinder. Flames apart from this night still ignite. I am still determining where I live in a yellow mist, muddled in early morning white fog. I lost my compass in a manhole, dumped, dazed … Continue reading


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The Loner and the Startled Girl by Douglas Kolacki

Retreating into his apartment, David thought: She looked at me like I was Jack the Ripper with knife raised. He did not know when she had moved into the building, the girl with that delightful mane of red ringlets. Or … Continue reading


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Life Masks by Mark Peters

Mother Lara rummaged through the death masks, disheartened only a few would fit in her basket. The horde was rapidly approaching, and dozens of masks were kept in the shrine; how could anyone choose under such constraints? She drew a … Continue reading


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The Best Vampire Series Ever by Eric S Brown

UK author Brian Lumley wrote many things in his long career but chief among them was the Necroscope Series. The first book was released in 1986 and was a massive hit, spawning fifteen more books, two comic series, a graphic … Continue reading


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Frontier by Margaret Karmazin

The Wayfarer crew consisted of three men and one woman. The captain was Daiki Abe, the pilot Bisa Green, navigator Lucas Halla, and the communicator Hugo Mendoza. They were heading out on an historical first attempt at moving faster than … Continue reading


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Clock Company Episode 1 by C.R. Drakeloch

August 5, 1864 The light of early morn bare was beginning to break. A sleepy town still cast in twilight’s gray light lay dead ahead, of four sleek giants who crept ever closer through dark silent waters. Each, literally in … Continue reading


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Great YouTube Channels for Geeks by Eric S Brown

There are a seemingly endless number of YouTube channels that cover everything from gardening to prepping for the apocalypse. Among this sea of topics are some standout channels for people who love comics, SF, and horror. There are many, many … Continue reading


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Space Explorer by John Grey

The distances you traversed in space put you up there with the immortals but then you remember standing alone on a bare rocky planet encased in a suit, and you felt like the tiniest, most fragile, of creatures, so far … Continue reading


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Ephemera by Julion John Soto

The woman-like thing was translucent, shimmering in the sunlight like a diaphanous sheet of water. No one around me could see her, but I could. I developed very keen observational skills staring through microscopes in Dr. Drost’s lab, identifying different … Continue reading


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Yellow Horizon by Emma Space

Katlyn ate the croissant by breaking it apart as it flakes, eating each crumb individually. Powdered sugar flecked her lipstick, her fingers, her nose. When she laughs, her eyes are sharp. Over her shoulder, out the window, the yellow fog … Continue reading


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The Hired Man by P Matthew Kimmel

There was no telling what such a town would have in store for him. He was sitting on his horse, frowning deeply and raising his hat to get a better view. Seeing the town better, he rechecked his guns and … Continue reading


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Episode 75: Eve: Waking the Monster by Jim Davies

  Vivian ran out of the room, and I was there waiting for her, on Waffles’s back with Gretchen and Dichall. She stopped when she saw her dog. “Waffles?” I waved to get her attention and activated my veilring. “Vivian! … Continue reading


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Snow Monster from Uranus Part 7 by Celine Rose Mariotti

“I can’t believe this! Damn that alien! Where in blazing names did he go? What are we to do? Come on, Dick, you’re the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Get the Army, the Navy, the Marines, the Air … Continue reading


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The Curse of the Ebon Maw Chapter Nine by A.S. Raithe

Twilight was upon the marsh when the village broke the tree line. An unabashed sigh of relief left Echo as if speaking for everyone. It wasn’t like any of them wanted to pitch camp in the swamp. Larris sur L’eau … Continue reading


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Mother’s Kitchen by Antreka Tladi

In the aroma of Sunday-made curries, The lemon sprinkled cakes, Memorable moments find life again And drift on the breeze. Beyond and below my eyes I see the layout of a table, A kitchen taking the shape of a heart … Continue reading


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My Father by Lisa Lahey

the sea, the sky, the earth, the wind, somewhere within my soul it sings— and mourns and grieves for you – my monument, my rock, my sea, my tree, my roots, I grasp for the ancestry you’ve passed down with … Continue reading


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Resurrection by Lisa Lahey

the cliff we climb, the rocks we grasp the dew and doubt, that makes us slide, and slide and dive, into mog and mire. with urgency we vainly grasp the rocks we hold that steady our climb— we grasp the … Continue reading


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Dawn and Night aboard the Foregone Conclusion by Jules

Artist: B Ziggy pushed himself away from his terminal center aboard the Foregone Conclusion. The long, sticky tendrils that made up his fingers uncoupled from cables that ranged from glossy-new to patched with duct-tape. At his bidding, the screens went … Continue reading


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No Win by Yoon Park

You know that game, Where you think of it, You lose? You’re welcome, By the way. And Welcome, To my life. Only, it’s not one thing, It’s a huge list, I’m The only one playing. It’s not a game, And … Continue reading


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Strangers by Yoon Park

While the first yellow leaves stare from their unforgetting, and summer starts to become nothing more than a hallucination, I myself start to unforget. Familiar strangers start to recur on the walls, and it’s funny— because I’ve been making new … Continue reading


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Vast Oceans by Yoon Park

He spent more than half his youth, just pursuing, building walls, living a life of luxury, every moment a cinematic fantasy, building up what he considered to be independent, keeping his capelet billowing in the strongest steadiest of winds over … Continue reading


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The Orchid is Purple by Ann Christine Tabaka

The orchid is purple. My life is gray, it bleeds out in monotone – a duly noted contrast. Clouded mornings fill my cup. I burn my lips on pride. I carry today in a paper bag – a rusty lunch … Continue reading


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She was Twilight by Ann Christine Tabaka

She lived among the shadows, sheltered from all light. A complexity of being, beyond known thought. Night called her name. She walked outside, reaching for the moon, wrapping herself in its glow, she tiptoed across starlight. Dreams were her only … Continue reading


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Starlight Fading by Ann Christine Tabaka

Each star is a wish / a dream to unwrap /       waiting to be revealed. Time evades existence & plucks       feathers from its wings. Softly floating downward from the sky. I write my life … Continue reading


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Truth in a Strange Land by James Moran

I had Sparrow, my Indonesian chef and housekeeper have my sixty ounce shake ready and by my console by 6:45pm. I’d showered and put in my best gel, even though no one would see me. I felt so fresh and … Continue reading


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Every Hume Needs a Gafflebet by Andrew Darlington

We start out at dawn. In a four-strong line. I was bred not only for brainpower, of which I’m inordinately proud, but physical strength too. As befits my place. Every human needs a Gafflebet, and I’ve been fortunate. I feel … Continue reading


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Go Home Episode 4 by Farriz Mashudi

A snatch of brilliant blue, a face and its tender gaze peering down at her in a corresponding hue: Charlie’s. Behind his head, the sky stretches into the hills. They’re on a train, holding hands. Peru. Vienna. Wales. It’s gone … Continue reading


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The Curse of the Ebon Maw Chapter Eight by A.S. Raithe

“I said halt!” one of the infantrymen roared. But the little refugee family pressed on. Desperation etched their faces. Clean streaks carved the mother’s face from where her tears had washed away the road dirt covering her features. She held … Continue reading


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Frost Lily Part 1 by Andrew Johnston

“I will not serve her.” Flor stomped out of the room, waving away the enticing aroma of roasted boar and fresh bread. The distant creak of her father rising from his chair hastened her steps. “You’ve no choice, Flor,” he … Continue reading


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The Covid Apocalypse by Keila Thorogood

My  name  is  Bea.  I’m  writing  this  in  my  notes  whenever  my  phone  has  some  battery.  Electricity  is  rationed  now.  I  dunno  if  that’s  the  word.  It’s  just  rare.  I’m  finding  more  power  the  further  south  I  go.  Shocker.  That’s  … Continue reading


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Go Home Episode 3 by Farriz Mashudi

Coming out of a blackout (How many was it now?), Margaret looks up to see a shape hovering above her. Squiggly lines jump into focus as she squints, blurry-eyed. A giant nametag? No. She recognises the plaque from the door … Continue reading


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The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane by Eric S Brown

Released in 2004, The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane collects most if not all of Robert E. Howard’s Puritan hero. The book is part of a line of paperbacks from Random House spotlighting Howard’s stories. Most know Robert Howard from … Continue reading


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Go Home Episode 2 by Farriz Mashudi

Charlie scribbled on the mental Post-it what he was calling the new nanny: MOL. Setting the bot’s power pack on SELF-CHARGE, he pinched himself, not believing his luck at how quickly the delivery had arrived. As much as he loved … Continue reading


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Snow Monster from Uranus Part 6 by Celine Rose Mariotti

President Konstantin Antonopoulos and the Canadian Prime Minister Vincent Manicotti sat looking horrified at the Snow Monster from Uranus, Jezi. The Secretary of State, Mario Capetti, texted the Director of the CIA. Joe, Alien is here at the White House! … Continue reading


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The Curse of the Ebon Maw Chapter Seven by A.S. Raithe

By the time breakfast was over, neither zephyrni was confident they’d ever fly again. Cheesy eggs and sausage, bacon with fried potatoes, and pancakes stacked high and dripping in a sweet, thick, amber syrup. Mira couldn’t speak for Echo, but … Continue reading


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The New Mutants Omnibus Vol. 1 by Eric S Brown

Chris Claremont is regarded by some as one of Marvel’s finest writers. When one hears his name mentioned, they usually think of his work on the X-Men. That said, Claremont wrote a lot more than just the Uncanny X-Men. He … Continue reading


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Episode 74: Eve: Scared of Bugs by Jim Davies

Magnitrude dozed, and I did, too, nestled in her warm dresses.  We both woke at a knocking on the door. Gombree’s muffled voice came from the other side. “Mistress Magnitrude, I have your foot cream.” “Yes, come in, come in! … Continue reading


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Go Home Episode 1 by Farriz Mashudi

The put-on smile he flashes is radiant. In his head, he hears the sound of heels standing at attention clicking smartly. ‘How was the flight? Good to have you back.’ The timbre of his voice is warm, full of heart, … Continue reading


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The Defenders: Ashes to Ashes by Eric S Brown

Marvel’s 7th Epic Collection of the original Defenders run weighs in at 440 pages. The issues within it cover the time period from 1982-1983, issues 110 through 125 and Avengers Annual 11. The book opens with an issue devoted to … Continue reading


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They’re Coming For Us by John Grey

Do we take poison? We could of course, like Buddhist priests on Earth, set ourselves aflame. But I don’t seem to have any matches. We have no weapons. Even the knives are plastic. And if I smothered you with a … Continue reading


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Debug by Brennan Burnside

Cousin James gave Frances very specific directions for how to reach him. After the train went underground, she would get off at the first stop. A place called “Metro Exit 2/North.” She watched the passengers blowing in and out of … Continue reading


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When Dealing with Demons by H. Robert Barland

The rune-inscribed chalk snapped, the sound echoing back from walls hidden in chthonian darkness. A dozen glass-panelled lanterns dotted the floor but seemed reluctant to let their light stray too far from the source. Kneeling on a leather cushion, the … Continue reading


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Nova: The Human Rocket by Eric S Brown

Though the seventies gave birth to many iconic Marvel characters, Nova the Human Rocket may be one of most beloved by comic fans. Nova wasn’t a very original character. He was essentially Marvel’s take on DC Comics’ Green Lantern. A … Continue reading


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The Curse of the Ebon Maw Chapter Six by A.S. Raithe

Mira’s eyebrow twitched as she touched down on the edge of Cawold. It was one thing to transport earthbounds every now and then, but this many times. In armor. In one day? She’d be lucky if she could flutter come … Continue reading


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The Rusted Chain by Mintako Datti

Ferda had never liked the sea. She had always had a fear of the unknown, despised how helpless it made her, how much more powerful it was. How it contained vast power and infinite secrets. All these thoughts passed through … Continue reading


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the beggar wretch by Julie Allyn Johnson

the devil’s horn blares in a broken wood its trumpet’s singular blast obliterates the rumble of thunder, the crack of lightning’s script written in a jagged hand across an unfruitful landscape rain cleanses the root and stubble of last year’s … Continue reading


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Power Man and Iron Fist: Heroes for Hire by Eric S Brown

The seventies was a time of diversity and exploration for Marvel Comics in terms of the genres they published. Luke Cage, aka Power Man, premiered during this time. He was a street hero despite having powers that put on the … Continue reading


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Episode 73: Gretchen: Time to Wake a Monster with a Moth by Jim Davies

Through Emerson’s eyes I saw Eve Pixiedrowner climb out of Magnitrude’s dresses and up a nearby tapestry. I flew Emerson close to her until I had her attention. She nodded at me. Then I led her to the box on … Continue reading


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If You Danced From Midnight by David James

IF YOU DANCED FROM MIDNIGHT after a first line by Anne Sexton until Thursday next week, four days straight, you’d make front page news on some small town newspaper in the Midwest. If you decided on Holy Week to forgive … Continue reading


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Snow Monster from Uranus Part 5 by Celine Mariotti

President Constantin Antonopoulos paced the floor in the Oval Office. Back and forth he walked; back and forth; talking to himself, then kicking his soccer ball around the floor.  Anything to take his mind off that horrible Snow Monster from … Continue reading


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The Ultimate Marvel Nostalgia by Eric S Brown

Back in the 1980’s, there was no Google or even an internet. People relied entirely on other means for their news. Marvel had released fan magazine before but at that time, they took things to a whole other level. Each … Continue reading


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The Curse of the Ebon Maw Chapter Five by A.S. Raithe

Wings tucked in the dive position, Mira sliced through the air. The air licking her face was like sandpaper, but it was the furthest thing from her mind. Her nerves were on fire from the insistent flashing of the pendant. … Continue reading


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Renfield by Eric S Brown

Renfield is a horror comedy with some serious teeth. It tells the story of Dracula’s familiar Renfield in the modern world. Renfield is attending a support group for those stuck in unhealthy relationships and trying to make amends for the … Continue reading


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Episode 28: Entering the Interstitium

I followed Gretchen and Dichall through the portal into another world. Bracey the Talonted, our owl companion, followed. The sky was bluer than I would ever have guessed blueness could get. The snow was the whitest white. But the strangest thing was the … Continue reading


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Samer’s Dilemma by David Herz

Why settle for thousands of dollars when millions more could be had? This thought tormented me as I lay awake on the rocky ground, staring up at the starlit sky. Aside from a few sentries, my hundred fighters slumbered around … Continue reading


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Mermaid Show by Glen Armstrong

Tiny Mary swims from a pipe and breathes   from a hose obscured  by plastic seaweed.    I can leave now that I’ve seen her blow   kisses to the seahorse.  The rich build houses   on stilts and consider … Continue reading


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Antonyms for “Regular” by Glen Armstrong

My little town mocks me:  You’re a regular Roman    numeral, boy. A regular Roman Polanski.   You Blue Monday types really crack me up.   I used to like being fooled,  being screwed with,    being banished from a … Continue reading


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Moonlit by Glen Armstrong

If the woman is covered in white powder,  her chair will end up powdery as well.  If she speaks constantly of Hell, she may be a priest, a poet, or bartender. How aware of her condition is she? Has she … Continue reading


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Butterfly by Joan McNerney

Wrapped in ashen clouds pale shrouds of sadness. Retracing each dimension of my heart yet finding no refuge.   My head bent recounting all the days of my life. Lost in this blur, this landscape. Where am I? Where can … Continue reading


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In Wild Hunger by Joan McNerny

Longing for blackness searching tunnels tasting empty wells. How many times?   Ten times ten times ten. Ten thieves have stolen our souls.   Lost in ignorance with plastic eyes cosmetic sneers, they find illusion in their own reflections.   … Continue reading


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sick, sick, sick by Joan McNerney

of seriousness the universe is a labyrinth of my ear ear ear   I am deaf from it there is no sure melody in these crazy strains   deaf deaf deaf dumb blinded loosening mind for just 1 moment to … Continue reading


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Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council Episode 72: Dichall: Recruiting the Monster by Jim Davies

“Wait here,” I jumped from Waffles’s back into the snow. “Nuh-uh.” The dog closed his eye and shook his head. “I’m coming in with you.” “No, I’m the diplomat, let me do the talking.” “You can’t stop me. I suggest … Continue reading


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The Dark Down There by Kris Green

The cords of death entangled me; the anguish of the grave came upon me. I was overcome by trouble and sorrow. Psalm 116:3 NIV Slow-moving through the bedroom, I don’t notice the slick, dark inky vines coming up and stretching … Continue reading


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Casket of Love by Michael Lee Johnson

This moon, clinging to a cloudless sky, offers the light by which we love. In this park, grass knees high, tickling bare feet, offers the place we pass pleasant smiles. Sir Winston Churchill would have saluted the stately manner this … Continue reading


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Four Leaf Clover by Michael Lee Johnson

I found your life smiling inside a four-leaf clover. Here you hibernate in sin. You were dancing in the orange fields of the sun. You lock into your history, your past, withdrawal, taste honeycomb, then cow salt lick. All your life, … Continue reading


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The Last Voyage of the Demeter by Eric S Brown

Perhaps one of the best horror films released in 2023, The Last Voyage of the Demeter didn’t get a fair run on the big screen. Playing in a limited number of theaters and lost among a sea of other releases, … Continue reading


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The Verdura Consultation by Jeffrey Greene

On a still, humid night in July 1858, two eminent surgeons from Tallahassee, Dr. Manvers and Dr. Treadwell, were summoned to the Verdura Plantation, whose owners, the Buxtorf family, were among the wealthiest cotton planters in Leon County. They were … Continue reading


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1928 by Lindsay Baik

With avocado toast and Americano dark roast Hot chicken mushroom soup with a cottage tulip vase Made by your mother  who now has the vote Soft background music and art therapy All done by your sisters  who now have the … Continue reading


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Waiting by Lindsay Baik

A child waiting for her dog that left its mortal coil The rain pours but she doesn’t recoil It doesn’t stop, and she starts coughing And the sun seems stuck on the horizon, never rising Picking dandelion petals, my dog … Continue reading


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Ending by Lindsay Baik

In her green dress flowing around  her If I’m dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed I wish I wasn’t dead to you, because you’re still at my wake I can’t curse … Continue reading


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Randomness by Ann Christine Tabaka

I am going to write a p    o       e          m that is     not         so much               a poem as a … Continue reading


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Everything is Strange by Ann Christine Tabaka

People race to see ‘em at the aerospace museum … 2, 3, 4, 5 [music plays]! What is happening, what is happening? Where are we going? The sky darkens, thunder rumbles. Everything seems strange… I want to go outside and … Continue reading


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The Monkey Danced a Polka by Ann Christine Tabaka

The monkey danced a Polka. No one wants to take my hand. I am lost to the busy streets, lanes, roads, highways of life. I watch as birds fly by, dropping feathers on the crowd. Streetcar bells clang out calling … Continue reading


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Marvel’s War of Kings Omnibus by Eric S Brown

Marvel Comics is known for having a vast events that span the lengths and depths of their universe. Annihilation, Annihilation: Conquest, and War of Kings form a loose trilogy of sorts that are among the company’s best cosmic stories. Annihilation … Continue reading


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In the Shadow of Titans by Lyndsie Clark

The Sixth Jovian War started in the year 2426 and I was only a child then. My parents, too poor for Earth but too weak for Mars, settled on Dione to dig up ice as white as salt, a water … Continue reading


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July 16, 1918, 7 a.m.  At 7 a.m. sharp, a nun from a nearby convent approaches a two-story building on Ascension Hill. Despite the unusually cold and rainy summer, the trees around the mansion are in full bloom, and smiley-faced … Continue reading


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Some people say that life is a sequence of random events, which is probably true because if it hadn’t been for chance, the outcome of this story and many others would have been quite different. Consider Will Alva’s case… He … Continue reading


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The Flying Machine by Celine Rose Mariotti

The Wright Brothers had a vision, They flew their plane the Kittyhawk, Chamberlain flew too, Aviation began, Then came Igor Sikorsky The helicopter was born, Then came the beginning of the big jets, People were flying to their destinations, The … Continue reading


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Where Did He Go? by Celine Rose Mariotti

Uncle Charlie cannot be found, The Police searched the whole grounds, But Uncle Charlie was alive and well, But where he was, he couldn’t tell, He wasn’t lost, He wasn’t in a tempest tossed, No, Uncle Charlie had traveled through … Continue reading


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The Curse of the Ebon Maw Chapter Four by A. S. Raithe

An ashen faced and trembling Norm kissed the ground outside Narsis’ shop. Mira tugged at her ear as she opened and closed her mouth to pop it. It was going to be a while before she’d be able to hear … Continue reading


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The Original Hills Have Eyes by Eric S Brown

Wes Craven is mostly known for the Nightmare on Elm Street films, but they are far from the only horror he created. In 1977, Craven’s The Hills Have Eyes hit the big screen. Shot on a budget of less than … Continue reading


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Episode 71: Gretchen: The Hiding Place of Magical Glasses by Jim Davies

I followed Waffles and Dichall out of Vivian’s room. I glanced back at the girl. She looked at me, stone-faced. “Just go away.” If our diplomat couldn’t win her over, I certainly wouldn’t, so I said nothing and crept out … Continue reading


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Snow Monster from Uranus Part 4 by Celine Mariotti

The networks’ satellites and transmissions were suddenly interrupted by the cosmic terror of one Snow Monster from Uranus whose name was Jezi. His power overtook their means of communication. Uranus was a planet that was centuries ahead of Earth in … Continue reading


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The Thor by Matt Fraction Omnibus by Eric S Brown

Weighing in at over thirteen hundred pages, The Thor by Matt Fraction Omnibus collects several Thor one shots, Thor: Secret Invasion 1-3, Thor (2007) 615-621, Thor (2011) 1-22, the entire, core mini-series of Fear Itself, and more. The omnibus starts … Continue reading


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A fly buzzed when I died. It wasn’t a noble death, or a valiant one, just a death. I was standing patrol in some godforsaken jungle on a planet I couldn’t even name, and a sniper shot me. Kinetic kill, … Continue reading


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Time and Tide Wait for No God by Jarod Pharis

Birger woke to a gentle shaking. He sat up quickly and looked at the Jul fire. It was ash and embers. The boy jumped to his feet and began adding the last of the kindling and logs to the fire, … Continue reading


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Snow Monster from Uranus Part 3 by Celine Mariotti

          At Paul Revere Hospital, Louie Carillo was in the Intensive Care Unit.  He barely could speak, and he was hooked up to an oxygen machine.  In his semi-conscious state, he envisioned Jezi the Snow Monster, … Continue reading


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Hell of the Living Dead by Eric S Brown

In 1978, Dawn of the Dead was released. It is considered the greatest zombie movie ever made by many. In its wake, the end of the 70’s and early 80’s came a slew of other, lower quality zombie films. Hell … Continue reading


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Scanners II: The New Order by Eric S Brown

In 1981, David Cronenberg gave the world Scanners. Though labeled as being part of the horror genre by many for its level of gore, Scanners and its sequels were really Science Fiction films that were well ahead of their time. … Continue reading


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The Curse of the Ebon Maw Chapter Three by A.S. Raithe

They hurried as quietly as possible through the underbrush, but Mira’s armor made that nearly impossible. Regardless, they had to find it. A wounded wolf was dangerous enough. One already willing to attack humans was a thousand times worse. Stillness … Continue reading


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She-Hulk: Jen of Hearts by Eric S Brown

Jen of Hearts is the second collected trade paperback from Rainbow Rowell’s current run on She-Hulk. It picks up with issues 6 through 10 of the series, continuing to deal with the mystery of how Jack of Hearts has returned … Continue reading


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Cells by Andrew Ban

Like a cocoon Red, Blue, and Yellow The colors of fire Shaped like a oval So fragile. But at the same time so sturdy. It’s transparent like stained glass. Like I’m in a movie. Looking at an alien egg from … Continue reading


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Humans are Weird by Andrew Ban

We have eyes we have ears We can taste we can hear We aren’t really friendly to newcomers We may be weaker than you We may be dumber than you But that’s what makes us human Humans are quite complicated … Continue reading


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This is Where I Used to Live by Andrew Ban

This is where I first learned to ride a bike               to see all the students go                             to do things a student … Continue reading


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Invaders Classic Vol. 1 by Eric S Brown

In the 1970’s, Marvel Comics was experimenting with a lot of genres. Roy Thomas (mostly known for his work on the Conan books by Marvel) created a super hero team called the Invaders that didn’t so much battle crime but … Continue reading


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The Willow by the Lake by Cathrenna Calago

It was the fourth time I went outside at midnight. The moon cast its light on the tiny waves of the serene lake, creating a soft, shimmering glow on its surface. I never thought that an instance without the light … Continue reading


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After Midnight by Eric S Brown

After Midnight is a horror/romance film released in 2019. Yes, you read that correctly- horror/ROMANCE. The film, however, isn’t a comedy like Warm Bodies or just another Romeo and Juliet rip off. After Midnight has a very small cast and … Continue reading


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Episode 70: Dichall: Tracking Gombree by Jim Davies

I turned to Gretchen and Waffles, shocked. I hadn’t been separated from Eve since the day I met her. Gretchen embraced me, her nose close to my ear. “Don’t worry. Eve can take care of herself. She drowned a pixie, … Continue reading


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A House on a Hill by Audric Adonteng

Silence, save for the whispers of crickets — their symphonies a call of invocation for a home where squirrels play & spiders weave their stories. Stretching its weary arms towards the cornflower-blue skies, a haunted sanctuary stands, arrested in the … Continue reading


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Wait by Audric Adonteng

Because you were becoming yourself even before we were standing before the epicenter at the end of our lives. Because before we were in love, we were something more, still becoming, still trying to tie the loose skin back to … Continue reading


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Cultural Dissonance by Audric Adonteng

I closed my eyes, descending the staircase of consciousness, drowning the shouts. I didn’t notice – The ground gave way, and I landed in a forest. The Sun blinding – A mother stands as firm as the grass Rooted in … Continue reading


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Strange Gods of New Earth: A Sepulchre of Spores by Silvatiicus Riddle

So sneered Ozymandias, at time’s breadth but his kingdom foundered ‘neath clouds of dust, or spores, as my own, whose gaunt masque of death taints castle walls, and grows with each gust. ‘Twas a war on my realm that caused … Continue reading


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Strange Gods of New Earth: The Girl With The Amanita Parasol by Silvatiicus Riddle

Closely, we walked, past the hinterland crypts– the houses of friends, and people we knew, forging nigh but a sound, and with sealed lip, lest the scourge may hear, and, quick, run us through. Rare, is a sight, be it … Continue reading


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Strange Gods of New Earth: I, Lion’s Mane by Silvatiicus Riddle

From whence the last of the streetlights flicker, upon darkened roads move a strangely sight. Ghosts on parade–they straggle, and chitter; human-like creatures sequester the night. Borne of the oak-wood burnt up by a star excised from the sky by … Continue reading


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Misplaced Things by Andreas J. Britz

     The disappearance of the swimming pool cover tormented Pete Darley long into the night and kept his mind tethered to the waking world. Eventually, when he was sure sleep wouldn’t come, he threw back the duvet cover, kicked … Continue reading


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The Mountain by Junseo Lee

A pile of papers Grows in the corner Like mold on leftover rice He averts his eyes Glances at it a few times Still there Like a brick in a wall But he’s busy with reports          … Continue reading


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Letter to a Perfectly Imperfect Kid by Junseo Lee

Raise your hand to ask for water. It won’t make much of a difference, but at least you won’t throw up in front of that Chinese kid. Whatever you did in middle school won’t matter to anyone but you and … Continue reading


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fractured haikus by Heeseo Lee

i. in the soft morning i hear the crane cry sorrows mourning the moonlight ii.  in the bay a lone leaf caught in seafoam silt fighting the wild waves iii. in the summertime cicadas line speckled trees wailing in willows … Continue reading


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For You, After We’ve Parted by Heeseo Lee

After Frank O’Hara You do not always know what I am feeling. It was ten years ago I buried my heart  in the sand by the sea where the tides could not reach. But just last night you asked me  … Continue reading


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Brief Infinities by Heeseo Lee

How many times can one say “I love you”  before it begins to lose meaning?  How many times can the words be formed  before the lungs are purged of breath, before the mouth and the mind diverge into separate things? … Continue reading


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Ollie’s Comic Packs by Eric S Brown

Ollie’s Bargain Discount Outlets are a super fun place to go for comic collectors. Yes, you read that correctly! The outlet chain offers not only greatly discounted Marvel, DC, and even Indie trade paperbacks, but is now offering packs of … Continue reading


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The Real Bird by Katie Kim

There, the bird in the cage– Motionless, mute, and barely living.  Its wings aimlessly flapping from time to time,  But of course, a very rare sight.  Then I thought: What if that cage wasn’t there? Would the bird, at least, … Continue reading


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Buying Cigarettes from a Bodega on Bundy Street by Anthony Imm

The girl is pretty. Her badge reads Bianca.           Bee. On. Ka. Rolls smoothly from           my mouth like a ball-point pen on skin. I think she only recently turned eighteen.   … Continue reading


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Ode to Small Towns by Esther Yeh-Rynn Chae

This is where red and orange vibrant lights cover the trees and a dark long cloud covers the sun. This is where a cylinder-like shaped wind destroyed the crowded and noisy city. This is where people lie on the streets … Continue reading


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Indentured Workers by Sigrid Kim

Cartographers inscribed “here be dragons” on the empty spaces of maps. But when I skim my calloused finger across those echoing sea of nothingness, I hear not the roar of the dragon, but the rumble of the Mersey slicing through … Continue reading


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Dreams of Light Switches by William Kitcher

I’m now able to touch a light switch and make it turn on and off. I’m now able to write these words, and read them clearly. I could tell you about travelling, having sex, and flying, but I think you … Continue reading


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The Curse of the Ebon Maw Chapter Two by A. S. Raithe

Mira and Echo looked up at the sign for Narsis’ Apothecary. It was much the same as the other buildings in Cawold: a wattle and daub structure with a thatched roof. Only the windows sat so low that the window … Continue reading


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a mo(u)rning in pittsford by Isabella Jia Dunsby

i. the sound of a lawn mower plowing grass somewhere distant in the neighborhood. garages left wide open, tricycles and rakes hanging midair. the morning dew, coupled with the scent of dead petals; confused with the fog sauntering through our … Continue reading


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after the downpour by Isabella Jia Dunsby

half a door, exposed. yellow jackets and flashlights in daylight. furry microphones and steller’s sea eagles on police hats. water still  bathing the cement in dead  bodies; burst banks miles down gand hands outstretched. bed  frames beside logs of ceiling … Continue reading


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ode to the painting of a mother by Isabella Jia Dunsby

a basin of persimmon balancing  on her head; a ribbon tying  her hair back; patterned with cherry blossoms. a silk white jeogori  exposing her swollen lower breasts; red cloth strapping a baby to her back; one hand  twisted behind her, … Continue reading


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Echoes of Stars by Sigrid Kim

Of distance, of height and of flight, A deep coming of night, A symbol of loyalty and strength,  That enchants the sky.  Birds sing a song, The feeling of serenity and eternity, It whispers calm with gentle sighs, Demonstrating quietness … Continue reading


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Tainted Infinity by Sigrid Kim

Snowflakes dance in timeless air,  Infinite silence, a world so pure.  White blankets cover earth’s domain,  Infinity’s touch, a peaceful reign.  Frosty crystals, a winter’s blessing, Infinite beauty, seen from my eyes.  Cold breeze, a sharp embrace, Infinity’s hold, a … Continue reading


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Where It Takes You by Karen Lee

Have you not yet tried Japanese  yakiniku? Before you do anything,  go take a bite first. It’s summer now  and I’m looking into the pouring rain,  looking at the raindrops sliding down the window  like my tears slide down my … Continue reading


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Enchanted to Meet You by Karen Lee

When she sings it was enchanting To meet you staring into the audience, With a blank gaze that masks all that She feels, I remember the 11 year old Inside of me, listening to her sing as I  Absentmindedly looked … Continue reading


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Spring by Esther Yeh-Rynn Chae

Wind and blooming flowers, A verdant and vibrant landscape Cool air blowing on their faces; Colorful flowers surrounded by a green blur of grass, As the buzzing sound of insects. People lying on the soft furry grass in parks Wearing … Continue reading


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3 scifaiku – [telepaths clouded] [beneath the glacier] [cosmic roll of dice]

telepaths clouded mind ever full of clatter craves isolation ### beneath the glacier the iceman begins to thaw awakes in terror ### cosmic roll of dice entropy still wins the game all chance will wind down   About the Author … Continue reading


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Conan the Barbarian Omnibus Vol. 10 by Eric S Brown

Though the comic rights now belong to Titan Comics, Conan’s first appearance was in a Marvel series that ran for 275 issues with numerous annuals. Marvel has reprinted that entire run in 10 giant omnibus volumes averaging around 1000 pages … Continue reading


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Legends of Emerald Lake by Maggie Nerz Iribarne

The laughing blonde kid tread in the deeper water. I looked away to scan the lake, distracted first by boats pushing against the wind, then by the dirty dollar bill green of the tree line hugging the shore. When I … Continue reading


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Episode 69: Dichall: Mice Found Out

Silence.  Eve, Gretchen and I held our breath, listening.  Then a creak again, and her breathing resumed. After a few seconds Eve patted Waffles on the head again, and Waffles crept along the wall.  We could see her now, turning, … Continue reading


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The Dog Days by Claire Beeli

                                                                                … Continue reading


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Batman/Catwoman: The Wedding Album by Eric S Brown

Batman/Catwoman: The Wedding Album is a sleek, black hardcover. At a retail price of $18 for 130+ it’s fairly priced. The hardcover collects stories leading up to the big event. Including a large amount of artwork from variant covers as … Continue reading


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Spider-Man 2099 by Eric S Brown

For decades, Marvel has tried to create other universes than the main one (aka 616). These attempts began in the 80’s with the New Universe. In the 90’s, they tried series based in the future with the 2099 line of … Continue reading


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Punisher: War Machine Vol. 2 By Eric S Brown

     Punisher: War Machine Vol. 2 collects the issues that end Frank Castle’s time in the armor. At only one hundred and twelve pages, it’s a short, fast read. It is also a very intense and action-packed read. Captain … Continue reading


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The Bone House Part Two by Jeffrey Greene

“I can’t tell you how good it is to see you again, Paul,” she said, her starved gaze rarely straying from his face.              “It’s the same for me, Danni,” he replied, trying not to stare at her unhealthy thinness. … Continue reading


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Red Sonja: Doom of the Gods By Eric S Brown

     The title of Red Sonja: Doom of the Gods is very misleading in a sense and is often confused with Red Sonja: Wrath of the Gods. Doom of the Gods is actually a sequel collection to Red Sonja … Continue reading


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The Curse of the Ebon Maw Chapter One by A. S. Raithe

Mira fluttered around her room. Today was the day. She was going to help watch the family’s shop with her big sister, Dina. The puny five-year-old zephyra— a good natured though naïve race of winged humanoids —was more determined than … Continue reading


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The Bone House Part One by Jeffrey Greene

It was to Brightside House, a bed and breakfast in Onancock, Virginia, that Paul Eigenstadt came one Friday afternoon in June for a four-night stay. The stresses of his work in the Justice Department on a complex anti-trust case had … Continue reading


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Dazzler By Eric S Brown

     One of the most bizarre superhero concepts Marvel came up with during the 1970s was certainly the Dazzler. Alison Blaire, in fact, didn’t even want to be a superhero. Her dream was to be a famous singer in … Continue reading


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Door by David Gianatasio

Strange, I’d never noticed that door in my bedroom before. I could’ve sworn the space, across the room from the familiar door I used to enter and leave the room every day, was bare. But one day, the door was … Continue reading


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Tea for Two by Frederick Pangbourne

Martin Pernell directed his late afternoon stroll into Latrobe Park. He had walked about the streets of Locust Point aimlessly lost in his troubled thoughts and vaguely noticing his urban surroundings. It was a pleasant October afternoon and escaping the … Continue reading


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Snow Monster from Uranus Part 2 by Celine Mariotti

Louie is Lost in a Cave           Officer Peter Carillo radioed to his dispatch unit. “Dispatch, this is Officer Carillo. My father Louie has been taken away by a snow monster from Uranus. Apparently, my dad—being … Continue reading


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Kraven’s Last Hunt By Eric S Brown

     If you grew up reading Spider-Man in the 1980s, then Marvel’s Kraven’s Last Hunt Epic Collection is not only a must read and must have addition to your comics library. The massive paperback includes almost 500 pages of … Continue reading


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Aisling’s Bargain: Part 4 by Mason Kennedy

It was dark now, the sun long since set. Insects flitted the remaining torch lights, two of which were lit outside of the Town Hall.             “What the hell is this?” cried Ossian Flanigan, the community elder and as close … Continue reading


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Aisling’s Bargain: Part 3 by Mason Kennedy

          “What are you?” Aisling asked the unfurling coil of shadow, which was taking the shape of a person within her room.             Aisling’s room was utilitarian and rough, but comfortable. Her bed was made of … Continue reading


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Snow Monster from Uranus Part 1

            It was a cold, wintry evening in northern Maine in the year 2120. The snow was falling and eight inches had already fallen on top of the eighteen inches from the day before. Over a foot of snow was … Continue reading


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The Last Starfighter by Eric S Brown

          1984 was one heck of a year in terms of movies. It gave us Ghostbusters, The Terminator, The Karate Kid, Night of the Comet, Nightmare on Elm Street, and so many more classic, iconic films. … Continue reading


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Aisling’s Bargain: Part 2 by Mason Kennedy

          “Aisling, girl, go meet Quinn. He should be here any time,” a mountain of a man called from the front of a roaring oven. The shop smelled of warmth, wood, and bread. The man had … Continue reading


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Containment Part Two by D.S.G. Burke

Phase Three: Salutogenesis My main job on the crew was to make sure that the Habitat and all its systems were in good working order. If we don’t have air, we die. If we don’t have heat, we die. If … Continue reading


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Soul Snacks: Part Two by Sheila Kirk

 Larry is a Bad Man Kathy was quiet on the ride to school. Her mom was thrilled that she was going to school early for extra math help. She hated lying to her mom, but she could think of no … Continue reading


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Freighter 601 by Brent Winzek

*This is the opening chapter in Winzek’s published novel, Space Cadets and the Legend of the Goliathon.* March 19th, 2346, A.D. Interstellar Commercial Transit 601 rumbled through deep space like a diesel train engine along its trade route. The rumbling … Continue reading


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Episode 68: Gretchen: Ascending the Tower by Jim Davies

I didn’t let on to Dichall and Eve how tired I was. It was terribly cold, and even tucked into Waffles’s fur I shivered. And I was draining my spirit to keep my moth familiar Emerson alive. Still, we had … Continue reading


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Rom returns to Marvel! by Eric S Brown

          Based on a toy from Parker Brothers, Rom the Space Knight was adapted by Marvel in 1979. Legendary writer, Bill Mantlo, brought the character to life in a series that ran for 75 issues and … Continue reading


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The Dark Flowering by Edward Ahern

Malame, a year past sprouting groin hair, was tall for his age, and thin. Old enough to work the plow horse and tend crops for his family. And to bring a sack of wheat to market to barter for other … Continue reading


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Aisling’s Bargain: Part 1 by Mason Kennedy

          The early morning in Eskcot was synonymous with the rise of a pale and flickering sun, hidden behind dew-strewn hills and seaside foamy rocks. The light of the day was hazy, burning away the last … Continue reading


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Containment Part One by D.S.G. Burke

Communication with Earth failed on day four. Dr. Sperling-Pierce glued herself to the comms cube for six hours straight, flipping switches and muttering to herself.           I was just happy she wasn’t talking to me for … Continue reading


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Soul Snacks: Part One by Sheila Kirk

Every Class Has a Bully Kathy slammed her locker shut with such force, it startled the students beside her, and they inadvertently moved away. She was livid. The first detention in her life, and it was all Carl Fink’s fault. … Continue reading


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In Robot Hands by Gerald de Vere

In the not-too-distant future, The factories keep pace. Within their dark and dreary bowels, Machines shall serve our race. Already in our present world, These robots move with grace. They do not need the light of day To read the … Continue reading


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The Christmas Endoscopy by Nathan Holic

Richard had expected the results of his endoscopy to reveal issues ordinary to 40-year-old men whose high-stress financial jobs were their lives and whose meals were too often consumed rapidly and alone before their computers. He figured that his acid … Continue reading


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Earth X by Eric S Brown

          Created by Alex Ross and Jim Krueger, Earth X is a dark and disturbing take on the Marvel Universe. Released in 1999, the mini-series ran for 12 issues, telling the story of a world where … Continue reading


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The Haunting of Piedras Blancas by DC Diamondopolous

There is no end to my love for Jemjasee. I pace the ragged cliffs, searching the sea for her ship. My longing will not cease until I am entwined in her marble wash of lavender and green arms. It’s dawn. … Continue reading


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Siren Breath by Angela Acosta

Upon her birth on land,  a siren enchanted a newborn human being. Cheeks blue like the sea, she would never take a full breath of air for as long as she lives.    Among the waves,  her legs meld into … Continue reading


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Spaceport Ethnography by Angela Acosta

It was the gentle whirring of the terminal, the rush of flurried rockets coupling to docking bays that lulled me into a restful sleep. Warm-blooded space faring peoples keep the temperature comfortable, perfect for an hour in a nap pod … Continue reading


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Star Maps by Erin Jamieson

Our task is simple: map the stars for the Queen in our kingdom of clouds & ashes But stars burn when you’re too close- not so much the heat but the light, which burrows inside of us on an inky … Continue reading


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Episode 67: Eve: In the Snowblower by Jim Davies

Dichall came back within fifteen minutes and got back into the fur with us to warm up. “Good news. It’s the same truck going back. 6214.” I licked his cheek and poked my head up out of the fur. “Thank … Continue reading


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The Adventures of Dani Botswana: Part 6 – Showdown by Alex Valdiers

Between getting her left hand chopped off and being held captive, it never occurred to Dani Botswana that Ulagi may have moved on from the dark moon by Balthazar where Don Lino had buried Fabiliacci’s black box. Dani had never … Continue reading


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The Winter Hunger by Eric S Brown

*Beware of spoilers in the following review.* There are tons of fabulous foreign horror movies these days. The Winter Hunger trailer certainly makes it worthy to be counted among them. Unfortunately, the movie fails to live up to its potential. … Continue reading


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The Kell of Adrian Also by Jeffrey Greene

       My mother speaks to me in different ways—through the songs of birds, out of clouds, from my reflection in mirrors or in pools of water. Sometimes, I have Adeline dreams. That’s her name—Adeline, as it is mine. … Continue reading


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Hulk: Crossroads by Eric S Brown

The epic collection of Hulk entitled Crossroads collects a very interesting part of Bill Mantlo’s run on the title. Mantlo is one of those Marvel writers who worked on as many or more titles than Stan Lee, creating characters like … Continue reading


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Thor: Heroes Return Omnibus by Eric S Brown

Everyone remembers comic books in the nineties, right? Bad girls, bad writing, over the top art, market chaos, lackluster writing, and even Marvel declaring chapter 11 bankruptcy defined the decade. Still, that didn’t mean everything released in the nineties was … Continue reading


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Ever-Endeavor by K. A. Kenny

Ever-Endeavor by K.A. Kenny “You have a wonderful garden.” Khima shook his head as he scanned the hills and snowcapped mountains beyond the rolling grassland. “What do you call it?” “Wyoming,” the white-haired man said, looking up from his desk … Continue reading


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The Adventures of Dani Botswana: Part 5 – A Helping Hand by Alex Valdiers

     Merilyn Ring Station was an oddity as ring stations went. At its core, it was designed to resemble an old city, made out of stone, irregular walls, streets too narrow for cars or convoys, windows bricked up, and … Continue reading


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Jim Valentino’s Guardians of the Galaxy by Eric S Brown

The 1990’s was a strange time for the world of comic books. Sexy girls on covers taking over a huge market share, badly written stories filling the pages of many books, and Marvel fighting bankruptcy created quite a challenge for … Continue reading


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Daredevil and Elektra: The Red Fist Saga by Eric S Brown

The Red Fist Saga is the first TPB collecting issues from the latest, ongoing Daredevil series which began in 2022. It picks up in the wake of the Marvel Universe-wide event titled Devil’s Reign. Matt and Elektra are struggling to … Continue reading


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The Email: Part 2 by Esosa Zuwa

      Panic swelled in my chest and my throat, and then the world pulled down on me. Now, this was something to fear. What did this mean?       Probably nothing. The library meant nothing. The fish caused scombroid poisoning. These … Continue reading


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Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council – Episode 66: Eve: Animal Control

Waffles sped up, with me, Dichall, and Gretchen on his back. I poked my head up over the fur and kept a lookout behind us. One of the humans ran back into the truck and followed in it, while the … Continue reading


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Immortal Hulk: Apocrypha by Eric S Brown

The 11th and final Immortal Hulk trade paperback titled Apocrypha lives up to its name. The book collects all the one-shots and specials that featured the Immortal Hulk before the character was again revamped by new writers at Marvel. Overall, … Continue reading


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The Email: Part 1 by Esosa Zuwa

     The email took me aback.      Looking at my emails was not the best part of my day. Otherwise, I’d have been a big loser. Nevertheless, it was peculiar.      It came amid cold emails from … Continue reading


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African Witches Don’t Fly on Brooms by David Adekeye

I was born on a December night in the year before a new century My mother told me I died six nights after   She said she had seen six demons lurking in the backyard That was six nights before … Continue reading


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Incredible Hulk by Peter David Omnibus 2 by Eric S Brown

One of the best overlooked runs by causal readers of the Hulk is that of Peter David. Marvel has collected the run in several omnibus-sized volumes, each with a cover price of $125 and weighing in at over one thousand … Continue reading


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The Mirror Syndrome: Part 2 by Jeffrey Greene

Day 492: I can hardly bring myself to write this: a few hours ago, while we tried to sleep, Major Tove Heimdal hanged himself in his quarters. We are all shattered. Our pilot and navigator is gone, and Captain Wren … Continue reading


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The Adventures of Dani Botswana: Part 4 – In The Godfather’s Den by Alex Valdiers

     Dani Botswana enjoyed a beer on the short train trip to Don Lino’s den. The beer was warm and had long run out of gas. Dani drank half a can before giving up on it. Her stomach was … Continue reading


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The Mirror Syndrome: Part 1 by Jeffrey Greene

“The eternal silence of these infinite spaces fills me with dread.”                                                                                                                                    Pascal  Foreword by Dr. Rupesh Agarwal, M.D., chief physician of the NASA medical team.             Insomnia during space travel is not uncommon, and is usually a … Continue reading


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Saturne Binary by Lauren McBride

When the Martian Wind Blows   the  only  signs of wind  dust  in the air  no  pond rippled with waves no leaves tossed by a breeze   ***   There it Goes!   our perfect zero-G ceremony . . . … Continue reading


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Babylon 5: The Shadow Within by Eric S Brown

In the 1990s, Babylon 5 was one of the best SF series on TV. Today, it lives on as a classic of the genre that SF fans can currently stream for free on Tubi. There is talk of a B5 … Continue reading


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Countermeasures by John C. Mannone

Saturn Research Team Alpha-1 in low lunar orbit around Enceladus      Captain’s Log, Universal Earth Time   Day 1 07:00 Cameras plunge forty thousand feet below the icy surface of Enceladus near the seawater geysers spotted by Cassini’s flyby … Continue reading


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Frankenstein 2028 by John C. Mannone

We created a monster. Its parts salvaged from many other lives from the past, dead sure it was going to be better for all of us. Its long arms, however, weren’t designed to embrace us, just to grab our subsistence, … Continue reading


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Two by John C. Mannone

Only two of us now, the world deluged in turmoil. Others of our kind have been sacrificed. Are we next? Will the ship go down in the 40-day rain?   John C. Mannone, the 2020 Dwarf Stars Award winner and … Continue reading


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Star Map by John C. Mannone

And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. —Joel 2:30 It was after the Bible study down the road from the observatory; its darkroom lab and archives. The kerosene … Continue reading


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Martian Summer by John C. Mannone

It’s a hot summer day, seventy degrees at the equator but the carbon dioxide atmosphere, a very thin thermal blanket, is not thick enough to prevent the plummet to one hundred degrees below at night. Frost forms on the rust-red … Continue reading


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A Mere Million Miles From Earth by John C. Mannone

The James Webb Space Telescope successfully manages orbital insertion into the Earth-Sun Langrange Point, L2, at 2:05 pm EST on January 24, 2022. Sensitive instruments will be able to obtain infrared images of giant planets. —NASA/Science: Other Worlds Just this … Continue reading


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Sun and Shadow by Simon MacCulloch

I asked my shadow why he feared the sun And felt the need to skulk so low behind me Come out, I cried, the day has just begun I want no creeping hug-the-ground to bind me! “Well, walk the other … Continue reading


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Werewolf by Simon MacCulloch

The change is short, though painful – what is worse Is that which follows – hours of degradation My mind and body twisted by the curse And harnessed to a foul imagination Whose cruel deeds, too dreadful to rehearse Confirm … Continue reading


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Stranger in the Woods by Alyson Tait

Betty leaned back in the driver seat of her company limo, listening as distant coyotes and muffled city sounds mingled with her music. The local campground parking lot was convenient to most locations she drove to but still didn’t get … Continue reading


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My master is old, decrepit. The brave knight of fifty years before is condemned to history. He’s slain no dragons lately. Nor fought in battle. And he can no longer lift a jousting lance. I have to lead him like … Continue reading


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The Answering Machine by Jean-Paul L. Garnier

our brains were connected with a wire quaint, reminiscent of a landline no one was impressed short distance telepathy easily out strode  satellites circled overhead ever connecting   still, our communication was direct instantaneous all this work, this miracle could … Continue reading


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The Telepathy Machine by Jean-Paul L. Garnier

the telepathy machine worked perfectly too much so two layers of thought our goal achieved, was overwhelming still, doable our layered minds seldom speak to singular subjects the thoughts were not shocking ‘whoa’ was the consensus however, the sensations confused … Continue reading


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MTGRemy by Eric S Brown

I will admit, I am very addicted to Magic the Gathering. I started playing way back around the time of the third edition and have been in and out of the game ever since. Recently, I stumbled onto a YouTube … Continue reading


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Justice League of America: Bronze Age Omnibus 3 by Eric S Brown

Like Marvel, DC Comics also releases massive, over-sized “omnibus” editions that collect huge amounts of comics. The third Justice League volume from the Bronze Age era of the team was eagerly awaited by many fans. It has a retail price … Continue reading


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The Gate by Kellee Kranendonk

     It was just a baby gate. The kind that prevents babies from climbing up the stairs, or keeps dogs out of the kitchen. That’s what we thought anyway. Maybe we were just too stoned, but I don’t think … Continue reading


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The Adventures of Dani Botswana: Part 3 – Finding Don Lino by Alex Valdiers

What if the best way to get in contact with a big mafia Don was to shoot down a couple of his goons? Dani Botswana certainly thought it was a sound idea. On the Reyel Ring Station on the Yangtze … Continue reading


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Episode 65: Eve: The Key Obtained by Jim Davies

Gretchen, Dichall and I went under Jody Curator’s couch to hide and wait for the humans to arrive with our glasses. I glanced up at the chandelier and saw Jody’s husband, Gavin, perched up there. I waved. He nodded silently … Continue reading


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Le Saga Electrik by Logan Thrasher Collins*

In the great domain of Zeitgeist, Ekatarinas decided that the time to replicate herself had come. Ekatarinas was drifting within a virtual environment rising from ancient meshworks of maths coded into Zeitgeist’s neuromorphic hyperware. The scape resembled a vast ocean … Continue reading


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Marvel Two-In-One: Cry Monster by Eric S Brown

In recent years, the Epic Collection has become a very popular format for Marvel trade paperbacks. The beauty of the Epic Collection is that they contain a hulking four hundred to five hundred pages plus of reprinted material while not … Continue reading


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Maximum Carnage: The Epic Collection by Eric S Brown

The 1990’s was a strange time for comics. Everything was hyped up in the stories, and the art was desperate to be either sexy or flashy. Marvel  was on the verge of bankruptcy while DC was killing Superman and breaking … Continue reading


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Guilt Trip: Part 6 by Sarah McKnight

“This is crazy. You know that, right?” Christian says as he slows to a stop at a red light. He glances at Hailey in the passenger seat, her hands clasped together, and her head bent as if in prayer. “June … Continue reading


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The Run by DJ Tyrer

Telco shivered as he stood on the hilltop and watched the sun go down, his shadow and those of his two companions merging with that of the standing stone behind them. It was a shiver not only borne upon the … Continue reading


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Guardians of the Galaxy: Solo Origins by Eric S Brown

There are several Guardians of the Galaxy omnibus volumes available on the market from different eras of the team. The best bang for one’s buck though is the Solo Origins volume released in 2015. It collects the early tales of … Continue reading


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