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Category Archives: Horror
Sun and Shadow by Simon MacCulloch
I asked my shadow why he feared the sun And felt the need to skulk so low behind me Come out, I cried, the day has just begun I want no creeping hug-the-ground to bind me! “Well, walk the other … Continue reading
Werewolf by Simon MacCulloch
The change is short, though painful – what is worse Is that which follows – hours of degradation My mind and body twisted by the curse And harnessed to a foul imagination Whose cruel deeds, too dreadful to rehearse Confirm … Continue reading
A Sightless Grave Ghost
by Hannah Nathanson I face my nightmares from years ago and whisper to their unknown, walk through their skin and leave this coffin empty— either I’ll find life in their darkness Or darkness in their life. I’m seeing my ending … Continue reading
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The Crawling Shadow by Harris Coverley
The Crawling Shadow Harris Coverley Like a black wind Low and slow The negative to all positives Going along the ground Darkening all it touches Leaving an eternal stain of malice A desert … Continue reading
In the Best Blood by Meg Smith
In the Best Blood Meg Smith Rivers ruddy to sleep, and this is pure in its running. Something once was life, but now recedes from light, only, air and light.
Stalker by Ed Blundell
Stalker Ed Blundell The sky is dark as midnight dreams, The blank, bleak emptiness till dawn, The moon, thin silver scimitar, Slices the clouds that skim the night. That night is listening, still with fear, Frozen and tense with silent … Continue reading
Sailing by Ed Blundell
Sailing Ed Blundell The sky clear blue, the sun shone bright, Their holiday was at its height, She, smiling said to him,” Let’s take A sailing boat out on the lake.” He liked the thought and straight away, They hired … Continue reading
the sky is falling by Matthew Daley
the sky is falling Matthew Daley it was the birds first fallen some walking till they forgot direction trees lost how to feed and breathe then their whispered exhales the sun begged forgiveness before giving up after giving out flowers … Continue reading
Nightscape by Ed Blundell
Nightscape Ed Blundell I’d walked there many, many times But never in the dark of night, Black clouds dodging the ghost white moon, Bright and glaring in deep, stark skies, Strange light changing the place I knew Into eerie, alien … Continue reading
Crossing the Moor by Ed Blundell
Crossing the Moor Ed Blundell A narrow, one track Roman road, Stretches across the sky wide moor, Invasive grass intrudes the sides, A route from somewhere to nowhere. Late last summer, purple heather Spiced and scented the evening air. Now, … Continue reading
The Report by Lori R. Lopez
The Report Lori R. Lopez Humans were the last to be subdued, loaded into cavernous vessels. They were the most savage and unruly, despite advances, the level of their current development, proving themselves less civilized as a Race than predetermined. … Continue reading
The Haggards by Lori R. Lopez
The Haggards Lori R. Lopez In this place frolick elementals, conjuring for the sake of eldritch spirits departed. Copses of trees had knit tangled patches, eventually creeping close enough to be designated a Wood. Though not your average bird-singing sun-dappled … Continue reading
The Bluster by Lori R. Lopez
The Bluster Lori R. Lopez Wind shrieks, fit to be tied Not that she ever could. A futile effort Quixotic folly to attempt Like tilting at Windmills and expecting … Continue reading
The Black Fog by Lori R. Lopez
The Black Fog Lori R. Lopez A fog thick and umbral settled A wave of night in afternoon, clammy Opaque as a New Moon, hooding my face Vision clouded, I fumbled through haze Baffled by a dreary dismal expanse, lost … Continue reading
Skin-Deep by Lori R. Lopez
Skin-Deep Lori R. Lopez Curt was terrified of Ticks. Not the kind you heard at night, paranoid a bomb was near and it was just your clock. The ones with a head and mouth that drank blood. The buggy type … Continue reading
Where the Light Cannot Go by Crystal L. Kirkham
Where the Light Cannot Go Crystal L. Kirkham Deep, deep down they go. Where no man had dared before. Black like ink, deadly pressure in the deep. What could survive down there? They shouldn’t have gone, for now they know. … Continue reading
Let Sleeping Fear Lie by Ed Blundell
Let Sleeping Fear Lie Ed Blundell Sunset snarls like a scornful sneer Across the bleeding horizon. The day dies badly, night descends, Like a blunt axe hacking the land. Black things of darkness slither out, Slimy sliding into sad dreams. … Continue reading
Surprise by Ed Blundell
Surprise Ed Blundell A whirl of wind whips up dead leaves, A bright, white moon hangs in the sky, Indifferent stars shine silver. She walks alone across the park, Along the dark and twisting path, Gazing about her nervously. There … Continue reading
The Gray Man by K. A. Williams
The Gray Man K. A. Williams He comes to warn us Gray Man on Pawleys Island The hurricane’s here
Poison Pie by Lori R. Lopez
Poison Pie Lori R. Lopez An exotic raven-maned accomplice with a black satin floor-length gown glides forth in strides of diabolic grace. I follow, my face a broken frown . . . Ill-at-ease, … Continue reading
Real-Estate by Lori R. Lopez
Real-Estate Lori R. Lopez The Handyman arrived in a snorting hiccupping Pick-Up. He consulted a small notepad page containing scribbles. The job posting listed this address. It must be the place. A For Sale Sign leaned at an angle … Continue reading
Grim House by Lori R. Lopez
Grim House Lori R. Lopez Sordid and austere, ill-wrought beyond compare, A creaking morbid mass feared and loathed by name — Grayer than the sky, a mood of withering glare, Uprooted from her soil, on barge and wheels came. Of … Continue reading
It Fell From the Sky by Ann Christine Tabaka
It Fell From the Sky Ann Christine Tabaka It fell from the sky in a blue-green cast, singing songs of the mundane. Swept under the rug of indifference, it continued to play its requiem. It grew stronger with each coarse … Continue reading