Justice League of America: Bronze Age Omnibus 3 by Eric S Brown

Like Marvel, DC Comics also releases massive, over-sized “omnibus” editions that collect huge amounts of comics. The third Justice League volume from the Bronze Age era of the team was eagerly awaited by many fans. It has a retail price of $125 but collects nearly 1200 pages of the team’s adventures with more than few famous stories and events that helped define the Bronze Age era of the League.

Among the huge events included in Volume 3 are two crossovers with the Justice Society of America that feature more than just those two teams. The first also features the Legion of Superheroes in what some argue is the most iconic version of the team. The second brings together Jonah Hex, The Viking Prince, and other characters from the history of the  DCU and pits them against the J.L.A. And J.S.A. But as if those epic crossovers weren’t enough, Vol. 3 also includes the issues where Zatanna and Firestorm join the League along with the issue with Black Lightning turns the League down.

The volume represents the peek of the J.L.A. During the Bronze Age era with its fan favorite stories. That said, compared to Marvel books of the Bronze Age, the overall omnibus can feel somewhat dated and two-dimensional in the quality of its writing. However, the art is beautiful and the stories are often epic in scale.


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