Free the Droids – Protest Songs by Christopher Collingwood

Free the Droids – Protest Songs
Christopher Collingwood

Protest Song 1 (Can you Hear it Beating?)
There’s a price to pay
When you treat me this way
There’s a way you feel
When you chain me to the wheel
Can you hear it beating?
Can you feel my heart?
It’s hard to tell when we’re sitting apart
Stand with me, you know it’s beating inside
I have no breath, but I have a dream
I may not eat, but I have the need
I don’t get cold, but I have a heart
Only small differences set us apart
You know the truth, it speaks for us
Start building future that believes in trust
Make the choice that serves us both
A vote for droids, is a vote for all of us!!
  Protest Song 2 (Hear Our Voice)
Hear our voice
We’re preparing your meal
A droid has the parts, and we need to feel
Hear our voice
We’re tending the machines
A droid has legs and we need to move
Hear our voice
We’re in servitude
A droid has got the voice and a point of view
We’re moving forward
We’re on a path
A droid has got the need for rights
We have the will, you have a choice
Freedom to all, liberty for droids!!
Protest 3 (No I’m a Droid!)
I can hear you speaking
I can say hello
Must be human, no I’m a droid!
I can see the writing
I can read a book
Must be human, no I’m a droid!
I appreciate art
I can imagine the world
Must be human, no I’m a droid!
I understand your insults
I can feel the words
Must be human, no I’m a droid!
I can hold you closely
You are my love
Must be human, no I’m a droid!
I can see your freedom
That’s all I want
We’re both people
Free the droids!!


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