Snow Monster from Uranus Part 8 by Celine Mariotti

It was a foreboding evening. The sky was full of dark, threatening clouds. You couldn’t see the stars or planets in the night sky. The state visitors were all arriving for the state dinner for the Canadian Prime Minister, Vincent Manicotti. Both the CIA agents were there looking unassuming in their tuxedoes. Agent Martin Conchetti and Agent David Chen were secretly armed with taser spray and atomic guns just in case any space aliens from Uranus should appear at this evening’s state dinner. One of the secret agents got word of what was happening in Maine, that they were closing in on Jezi the Snow Monster and the forest there was covered with police, FBI, and National Guard and the Space Force had just arrived.

The guests were filing in, but all were being checked at the entrance to the White House. Most guests were members of Congress and the president’s cabinet, the prime minister’s cabinet, and some of the members of the Canadian Parliament. Other guests were big Hollywood stars and yet others were big businessmen who held a lot of weight on economic matters. President Konstantin Antonopoulos kept pacing the floor in the oval office. His stomach was in knots. The psychic he always spoke to told him to beware that something evil awaited him that evening. She was always right in what she predicted.

Back in Maine, Officer Peter Carillo and Officer John Dobson were huddled together with two of the FBI agents. A whole group of police officers were getting ready to close in on Jezi and the other aliens from Uranus. Two of the scientists from NASA had arrived to help the police deal with the aliens, especially Jezi.

But Jezi was too smart for any Earthling. He knew there was a big contingency of police and other people gathered there in the forest. He summoned his superpowers and the whole ground shook and there was a long, fierce streak of lightning. In two seconds, he and the other aliens and their space crafts all disappeared and within twenty minutes landed on the White House lawn. Officers Peter Carillo and John Dobson threw their laser guns and Glock pistols down. To think they’d been sabotaged again by these aliens from Uranus. How could they possibly apprehend him and his other alien friends when they’d disappeared? Vroom! Just like that! Into thin air! Local FBI Agent Dexter Sullivan came over to speak to them. Captain Armand

Santini strolled over to speak to them as well. Officer Ethan Mathison was shaking all over due to the fear of dealing with this alien Jezi and the freezing cold weather. Officer Tracy Gabman shivered, her teeth chattering, her stomach growling. “Ethan, I can’t get over these aliens once again disappearing. There must be a way to seize them before they pull this trick of theirs again,” said Tracy.

“I wish they’d figure it out fast. I’m tired of being out here in the cold, in the forest, and these aliens pulling a fast one on us,” complained Ethan who began to cough.

“You don’t look well,” said Tracy.

“I don’t feel well.”

FBI Agent Dexter Sullivan addressed all of them for a few moments. “I know you’re all
frustrated by these aliens. I am, too. We just got word that the alien Jezi and his spacecraft just landed on the White House lawn. His capabilities are beyond anything we have on Earth. But we’re working on it. I thank all of you for your hard work and your patience.”
Meanwhile back at the White House, the state dinner for Canadian Prime Minister Vincent

Manicotti was beginning, and everyone was filing into the state room and shaking
hands with the president and the prime minister. The British Ambassador to the United States came through the line and when he shook hands with the president and the prime Minister, he gave them a message. “The alien from Uranus is outside on the White House lawn. Secret Service are pursuing him. Told me to tell you to go to the basement. You and the prime minister. I’ll stay here and make up some sort of story to tell everyone,” said Ambassador Theodore Kingsley-Landon.

“Thanks, Theodore. Let’s go, Vincent.” A Secret Service agent escorted them.

Ambassador Theodore Kingsley-Landon addressed the crowd. “The president and prime minister had to take a telephone call from the prime minister of Australia. Some very urgent business. You can all take your seats and have some tea and coffee whilst we all await their return.”

A hard, thunderous pounding came from outside. The alien Jezi from Uranus had manifested himself into a humongous monster whose strength was beyond any human comprehension. Jezi picked up the White House right off the ground as everyone screamed and everything fell and shook and bobbed. Lights flashed on and off and on and off. Then, suddenly, Jezi dropped the White House back to the ground, and he once again disappeared… 

To be continued…

Continue to Part 9.

About the Author

Celine Rose Mariotti is an accomplished writer whose work has appeared in magazines all over the USA, Canada, England, Scotland, Australia and India. Some of those magazines include: Night Roses, Green’s Magazine, Poet’s Review, Poet’s Art, Tombigbee, Offerings, Poets at Work, Hindu Young World, Magnolia Quarterly, Lone Stars Magazine, Pablo Lennis, Poetsespresso, Artifacts, Quantum Leap, Frost Fire Worlds, Children’s Magazine of India, Tigershark Publishing, Atlantean Publishing, Pink Chameleon, FreeXpression, Northern Stars Magazine, Creative Inspirations, Utopia Science Fiction Magazine, Poesis, Rainy Day Poems, and many more.

Bewildering Stories has accepted some of her poems for publication and Shemom has accepted two of her poems. Altered Reality Magazine has published several of her poems. She has had several books published. The books are: “Olivia MacAllister, Who Are You?” Another book is “I’m Too Young to be President” published by Clayborn Press of AZ. “Leapy the Frog” was published by Magbooks of HongKong. published “I Have a Friend on Jupiter”; “Minister’s Shoes” and “Minister’s Corporate Escapades.” And some other books she self-published: “Through Celine’s Eyes,” “Words of Inspiration,” and  “Red, White and Blue,” all poetry books and a nonfiction book, “What Corporate America is Really All About.” She has also self-published “I Hear The Banjo Playing,” a ghost story. Her newest book is “The Return of George Bowman,” a sequel to “I Hear the Banjo Playing.” Hierath Publishing has published her book “Atomic Soldiers.” He has also accepted her other two books-“Out There in Space” and “The Rebellion.” Celine has a B.S. degree in Business Administration with a minor in English from Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT. She plays the guitar and banjo; has her own home business, CRM Enterprises and her own online newsletter she publishes. She lives with her family in Shelton, CT. She loves Las Vegas and she loves to watch the soap operas.


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