Tag Archives: bellan

Only Time Will Tell by Stanlei Bellan

Only Time Will Tell Stanlei Bellan “Sorry, your honor. I was unwillingly delayed by some matter.” “You are here now, that is all that matters. Will you state your name for the record, please?” Lord Chance requested. “Wouldn’t you agree … Continue reading


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Behind the Timestream by Stanlei Bellan

Behind the Timestream Stanlei Bellan B’litk throws itself into the timestream, selflessly. It does not regret, but it does fear. Will it starve to death if it never grows hungry and thirsty again? Will its consciousness wither into nothingness if … Continue reading


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Time for Everything by Stanlei Bellan

Time for Everything Stanlei Bellan “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” —Ecclesiastes 3:1 “And what about above the heavens?” Little Jack was standing on his pew, raising his hand and speaking … Continue reading


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Another Time by Stanlei Bellan

Another Time Stanlei Bellan Another minute, another jump. It’s been three minutes and Ollie still hasn’t woken up. Granted, he is extremely aware of his surroundings, and doesn’t feel like he’s dreaming at all, but it would be great if … Continue reading


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