Tag Archives: comics

Savage Avengers Volume 1: City of Sickles

By Eric S. Brown Just when comic readers likely had thought they had seen every type of Avengers team Marvel could come up with, the company introduced Savage Avengers in May of 2019. As crazy as it sounds, this is … Continue reading


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The New Warriors by Eric S Brown

The New Warriors Eric S Brown The 1990s were a rough time for the comic industry. DC was struggling to hold on, Marvel Comics declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and “indie” publishers flooded the market with an endless number of variant … Continue reading


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Etrigan, The Demon by Eric S Brown

Etrigan, The Demon Eric S Brown The Demon, Etrigan, has been a part of the DC Universe since 1972 and was created by the legendary comic artist Jack Kirby, though Kirby wasn’t exactly thrilled with the character as Etrigan’s success … Continue reading


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Dr. Strange by Eric S Brown

Dr. Strange Eric S Brown Marvel once again launched a new Dr. Strange ongoing series in 2018. Much of that series is now collected in trade paperback. The first of these trades, titled Across the Universe, begins with Dr. Strange … Continue reading


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