Ambien by David Meriwether

where am I
what is this place
I stand upon a mountain
high above the earth
warm mist surrounding me
fragrant, glowing
a light dimly seen
beckons me
the mist fades before me
as I move forward
my feet don’t touch the earth
sunlight breaking through
beautiful warm light

swirling around me
flung on azure breezes
I stand upon the ocean
frozen, translucent
deep below the ice
clouds forming
moving, changing
in a deep blue sky
music rains upon me
from high above
I embrace the rain
and she kisses me
she smells like the earth
like jasmine and lavender  
a gentle wind of sound
blows through me
voices chanting
unknown words
carry me far away
beyond the stars
to a new place
full of laughter and song
dark shapes like ghosts
dancing, calling out to me
I reach out my hands
to join the dance
spinning into a vortex
of pure bliss

About the Author

David Meriwether is a writer of dark poetry and horror fiction residing in sunny southern California. He is an incurable insomniac with an overactive imagination, a slave to caffeine and a horror fanatic. As a new writer, he has had poetry recently released in The Horror Zine, and has many dark short stories soon to be released. David is also a musician in the San Diego local music scene.


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