Tag Archives: bear

Roly Poly by Jim Davies

Roly Poly Jim Davies There was a little baby bear named Roly Poly Sprout. She loved to roll down grassy slopes, which made her mother shout. On one bright day the little cub shocked mama with her sass, when she … Continue reading


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Episode 37: The Forces of Good

Bracey the Talonted twisted in the air like a Snowbird fighter jet, avoiding the fae’s swirling, pointed limbs, and I held myself close to her feathers with four paws. We watched Yonya tear through my beloved woods. What have we … Continue reading


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Episode 36: Riding the Bear

I ran through the brush, careful not to clothesline the poor kid on my back with low-hanging branches. I’d never touched a human before today, let alone had one ride me, and it took me a few seconds to get … Continue reading


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Episode 33: Meeting the Bear

The next night we snuck into Nathan’s room for the last time. Guy had arranged for a visit with him, and we were going to accompany him. I invoked my veilring. “Nathan, it’s time to go. Your dad’s outside.” “I’m … Continue reading


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