Tag Archives: invasion

My Hulk by Barrington Smith-Seetachitt

My Hulk Barrington Smith-Seetachitt The hulk inside me hulks and skulks on the sidelines, waiting for her chance to crash through walls. Unfortunately for her, my life seldom calls for wall-crashing, so she spends a lot of time waiting. When … Continue reading


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Planet Faraway by David Castlewitz

Planet Faraway David Castlewitz Nobody in Phil Stone’s Faraway appreciation group knew why news of the distant planet disappeared from every site that covered events out there. No artist renditions of the giant warships derived from fuzzy photographs sent back … Continue reading


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A Mother’s Mourning by Patrick T. O’Connor

A Mother’s Mourning Patrick T. O’Connor Clutching the letter in my hands, I try to iron out the wrinkles and dry the tears that have long since stained its surface. “Don’t fret, your boy has been chosen!” the Rip tells … Continue reading


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The Stuff by Eric S Brown

The Stuff Eric S Brown One thing The Stuff didn’t have was a great soundtrack. Its supposedly catchy song about the highly addictive, alien substance is simply horrid. Nonetheless, the Stuff is considered to be a cult classic horror film … Continue reading


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