Tag Archives: jasmine

Bus Stop by Jasmine Arch

Bus Stop Jasmine Arch “Vampires? No such thing.” The stranger leaned in close as I scooted to the edge of the bench. “Biggest danger round here’s the bus being late.” With a chuckle, he stretched his long legs, twining his … Continue reading


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The Crop by Jasmine Arch

The Crop Jasmine Arch Hayley’s eyes shone in the light of a crayon candle. “But Mummy, I don’t want my hair cut. You always say it’s pretty.” I kissed her sticky cheeks and hugged her before turning to my deadbeat … Continue reading


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A Blade Remembers by Jasmine Arch

A Blade Remembers Jasmine Arch The dagger slipped from my numb fingers, clattering to the floor. It should have recognized my neurological sequences. Instead, it rejected me, the sting of shame cutting more deeply than any pain the weapon could … Continue reading


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Still Waters by Jasmine Arch

Still Waters Jasmine Arch I held my breath and drew back my arm, a wooden fishing spear balanced in the palm of my hand. Next to me, Toura’s whispers faded as the mudhopper swam closer. “Wait for it.” She raised … Continue reading


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