Tag Archives: pig

Dragon Parleyer by K. A. Williams

Dragon Parleyer K. A. Williams “Rumor is that a dragon is terrorizing your village,” I said. “You’re not a knight, you’re not even a man. What could you do?” The elder regarded me with a scornful expression as he turned … Continue reading


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Pink, with Feathers by Lauren McBride

Pink, with Feathers Lauren McBride Dad says that on New Earth, the most popular pet is the pird – some kind of pig-bird. When our ship lands, I guess we’ll see if pigs can fly. This poem first appeared in … Continue reading


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Episode Three – Potbellies to the Rescue

“Let’s pick up the pace. We’ll be there in no time, if we do,” Pitbull Sammy shouted out to the others, exhilarated by the wind beating against his agile, forceful body. “Sure thing! Omar wants us there and back as … Continue reading


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