Tag Archives: din

Episode Sixteen – The Battle

Shocka Din ambled away from King Cat Sateer in deep thought, then picked up speed to a relaxed trot. Sateer says there’s dangers I can’t imagine here. This is one creepy place, but somethin’ is keepin’ me here. Should have … Continue reading


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Episode Two – Pack Love

Wolf Bennie Ba hadn’t gone far when he came across the search party. A few of his buddies from K-9 Town were out looking for him. It was Rottweiler Brady who spoke first, his uncanny intuition triggering concern at first … Continue reading


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Episode One – The Takeover – Wolf Bennie Ba’s surprise

Wolf Bennie Ba’s heart rate accelerated as he stood alone in the forest, stunned by what he saw below. He was looking down on a pack of timber wolves led by his old enemy, Shocka Din. The same pack that … Continue reading


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